
Hudson believes generating sustainable growth goes hand in hand with social responsibility. Hudson makes every effort to have the most positive social impact possible via various activities. Three important pillars have been defined in our sustainability policy: People, Planet and Prosperity.

Transition to a sustainable future

Human dignity first

At Hudson, everything starts from authentic relationships. This is why we not only have our own  , we also joined UN Global Compact, a strategic policy initiative for organisations committed to aligning their operations with ten universally accepted principles. These are centred around principles concerning human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Worthwhile work is, after all, crucial in order to achieve sustainable development. This includes economic prosperity, gender equality, ecology, social inclusion and ethical business conduct.

Hudson is assessed on this periodically, and Ecovadis, the largest provider of corporate sustainability assessments, rewarded us with the gold label  in 2020. This means Hudson can count itself among the top 5% of companies in corporate social responsibility and sustainable purchasing.

Taking care of the living environment

To take care of our planet and reduce our ecological footprint, several initiatives have been taken within Hudson. For example, a task force was set up to tackle sustainability challenges. Employees from all business lines can contribute ideas and monitor progress so our ambitions can be approached and supported, not only top-down, but also bottom-up. The focus on the living environment and the climate runs parallel to several closely related strategic trajectories.

  • Digitisation. Our digital strategy is an important link in expanding the sustainability mentality at Hudson. For example, candidates can participate in Assessment or Development Centres remotely (without transport) and digitally (without paper). The digital organisation of meetings with customers is also part of this.
  • Mobility. In terms of mobility, Hudson will have signed the mobility charter, “Baanbrekende Werkgever/Employeur Pionnier” for pioneering employers in 2020. The charter demonstrates our ambitions to adapt mobility strategy in the future, with the first steps being the introduction of our electric pool car and the design of a hybrid telecommuting policy.
  • Housing and suppliers. Hudson has developed a policy concerning offices, and this has been linked to a sustainable purchasing policy. For example, most of our offices are located in sustainable buildings, and in our purchasing policy, we define clear expectations about suppliers to make the most of local purchasing, social entrepreneurship and waste management.

Social responsibility

For Hudson, as part of the Randstad Group, social responsibility is essential. We strive to ensure that our activities have a positive impact on society, both inside and outside the company. We use our knowledge and experience to make a positive contribution to the world around us.

Download the 2023 annual report in Dutch or French.

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